Introducing our Glenn Recreation Basketball Coordinator, Jon Kissel!

Introducing our Glenn Recreation Basketball Coordinator, Jon Kissel!


A message from Jon:

“To the Glenn Hoops basketball families & fans:  I'll be working as the basketball coordinator this year in what will be my seventh season in the GlenNBA.

I have met many of you, but for those unfamiliar, I was pulled into the league when I moved to Atlanta in 2016 by former Glenn pastor Blair Setnor and have been coaching at the elementary and middle school levels ever since.

I'm a big fan of the community that's built up around the league, as it reminds me of Saturdays spent in pole barn basketball gyms back in my native Indiana.  I'm honored and excited that I get to help make this great thing succeed, and in that vein, if you choose to participate again this year, please feel free to reach out if there's any way I can help make your experience smoother.  

Registration has opened for the new season, using the same system from last year:  We are offering the usual divisions (Coed 1st-2nd grade, Boys 3rd-5th, Boys 6th-8th, and High School Boys) and there'll be a renewed push to have Girls divisions at 3rd-5th, 6th-8th, and High School for the first time since the 2019-2020 season.  Registration will be open until October 13th, with evaluations and drafts to follow on October 14th.  

 If you're interested in coaching or assistant coaching at any level, please sign up through the website.  The program lives and dies on its volunteers and their considerable generosity with their time.  Additionally, for those with high-school aged kids, we're always looking for scorekeepers once the games start.  Scorekeepers are paid $10 a game.  High schoolers are also welcome and encouraged to assistant coach, with an adult present as head coach, at the elementary and coed levels.  Nothing like wrangling a bunch of 8-year-olds to show colleges that you're a good and patient leader.


Again, please feel free to ask if there's any concern or technical hiccup that I can help with.  


Let's have a great season!”


Jon Kissel
Recreational Basketball Coordinator
Glenn Memorial United Methodist Church