2023 Annual Conference Reflections

The North Georgia Annual Conference was held on June 1-3, 2023, in Athens, Georgia. We have previously shared the news that Glenn members proposed Resolution 703: Resolution Regarding Gun Violence Prevention and it passed.

You can watch the wrap up video and continue reading for Glenn member reflections.

We’ve compiled some of our Glenn delegates reflections on their experience at the conference:

From Vic Reinhold:

“This was my first year to attend the NGUMC Annual Conference in Athens, Georgia.  I was honored to join the Glenn lay delegates and appreciate the helpfulness of Carol, Carolyn, Diane and Ginger to make the conference both a meaningful and enjoyable experience.

Our new bishop, Robin Dease, chose “I will pour out my spirit on all” from Joel 2:28 as the theme of the 2023 conference. All throughout the three days of June 1 – 3, I felt that message emphasized through worship, music, sermons, daily devotionals and general interaction with other conference attendees. Although there were times of tension when the court ordered vote on disaffiliation of two Augusta churches was required, I felt the general mood of the conference was friendly, cheerful and demonstrating love of each other.

To prepare spiritually for Annual Conference, I registered for the 35 daily text messages starting April 30 that NGUMC offered. Each text contained scripture, collect, Joel 2:28 memory verse, prayer of Invocation and prayer for one another. To prepare mentally, I “read” most of the voluminous, digital Conference Handbook. That was an eye opener. Never realized so many things are happening in my United Methodist Church family – like Lighthouse Church initiative, Barnes Fund (BEAT), Fresh Expressions, Park Eye Fund, Reparation Task Force and many more. 

There are many highlights to remember from Annual Conference. A few to share are (1) how well organized and smoothly the conference ran; (2) what quality people we have as District Superintendents and members of the Bishop’s cabinet and extended cabinet; (3) the Welcoming Address from Host District Superintendent Rodrigo Cruz; (4) the posthumous ordination of Rev. Marita Harrell; (5) the message from retired Bishop Alfred Norris that “People are precious, all people, ALL people…”; (6) meeting Rev. Susan Gary Landry – daughter of Bob and Janet Gary; (7) Laity Lunch – hearing the story of Harold Buckley Jr.’s journey in and out of “church” to where he is today – Conference Chancellor; (8) and the presentation and approval of Glenn’s resolution on gun violence. 

It was an honor to represent Glenn at Annual Conference. I hope all will find time to read the Conference Wrap Up article. It is an excellent summary of what is happening in the Conference.”

From Ginger Smith:

“For the last several years, I have served both as representative from Glenn Memorial United Methodist Church and as a member of the conference logistics team. We are the small group that works behind the scenes to ensure that those leading the conference and those observing and speaking and voting from the floor can conduct business as smoothly as possible. We handle myriad details such as how the stage is set, when the key speakers get connected to the right lapel microphones, where are extra chairs in case more participants arrive on stage than anticipated, who is next to speak and are they ready to step up, and when and where do what signs designating reserved seating need to be arranged and rearranged.

This requires trust, planning, coordination, collaboration, and, most of all, good nerves and a good sense of humor. Our team works with the Bishop, conference staff, conference secretary, associate secretaries, tellers, communications and visuals teams, and our expert partners in audiovisual production and electronic voting technology. Things happen quickly and change just as quickly. Everyone has to rely on everyone else to get each part in place and to react with good judgement, speed, and kindness in a hectic moment when something unexpected occurs.

It is an honor to use my organizational skills on behalf of the North Georgia Conference. This has given me a special appreciation for the people and the work of the conference. We often refer to our Methodist connection, which is the way in which our churches and other institutions work together to support one another, share resources, and carry out mission and ministry. The connection extends to individuals as well, and that connection is very evident as the annual conference session unfolds and the work of the conference moves forward.”

From Diane Bryant:

“Too often we are inundated with sad, depressing messages about the future of the Church and more specifically the United Methodist Church.  One of the uplifting and exciting things about Annual Conference is how we, the North Georgia Conference, are re-envisioning church and developing new ways of getting the message of the love of Christ out into the world. These messages are not rooted in the past, of building brick and mortar churches but rather sharing and spreading God’s love in our communities.

The Lighthouse Church initiative is devoted to Christian hospitality, and welcoming and caring for people who've been displaced from their church home by disruption, disaffiliation, or closure. 

The Fresh Expressions ministry is a new style of church. This intentional ministry is reaching out to folks that are not a part of a traditional church but rather meeting with people where they are already gathering. This might be a coffee house, a pickle ball court, an assisted living facility or a dinner club. “Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them" (Matthew 18:20)  

Annual conference is an exciting time. It is a time to reflect, be renewed and get excited about our future in spreading the love of Jesus.”

From Carolyn Gilbert:

“The North Georgia Conference resolutions committee presented some very thought-provoking resolutions this month.  Glenn member Carol Allums was a member of this committee.   

One was called "Encouraging Leadership with Integrity" calling on lay and clergy who do not intend to remain in the United Methodist Church to voluntarily step away from leadership positions in our conference.  The thinking is that these persons entangle themselves (and the conference) in a significant conflict of interest. This resolution passed.  Jay Horton, Glenn member, was one of the four who submitted this resolution.

The resolution decrying gun violence and calling for gun safety, submitted by the Glenn Memorial Church Council, passed with a large positive margin. This resolution will be sent to Georgia state and federal officials.  

A third passed resolution in response to legislation at the 2019 session of General Conference calls for justice and empowerment for the LGBTQIA community throughout the North Georgia conference based on the call and responsibility of United Methodists to "do good, do no harm, and stay in love with God" while the entire church addresses the issues of gay clergy not being allowed to be ordained and for our clergy being forbidden to perform marriages of LGBTQIA persons.  Jay Horton was also an author of this resolution 

Another resolution which passed asked for the Order of Deacons to have the same "sacramental authority" as fully ordained elders.  This would allow them to preside over the sacraments of communion and marriage.  Similar resolutions are being considered by other annual conferences, and these resolutions will be submitted to the next General Conference for study.