4 Ways to Give to Your Church During COVID-19

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We pray this update finds you and yours safe and well as you shelter in place.  Despite our physical distancing, we continue to be the church together in prayer, worship, and service.  Thank you for your faithfulness to Glenn Memorial United Methodist Church.

Through these days of uncertainty and physical isolation, Glenn Memorial’s Finance Committee, Trustees, and staff are closely monitoring our church’s cash flow and reserves.  Strong giving at the close of 2019 and a solid start to this year put us in a healthy position as the COVID-19 crisis struck, but, as you can imagine, giving has been disrupted since we ended our in-person worship services.  Our giving to the operating budget for March 2020 was down $41,000 from the same month in 2019.

Please know we are committed to maintaining our church’s ministries to members, community, and world with our current clergy and staff, while being faithful stewards of the dollars you give.  That means streamlining and simplifying programs and seeking creative and meaningful ways to share Christ’s love and compassion with our congregation and neighbors. We hope you are “attending” our online services (including replays), or perhaps your children or youth have participated in other online events.  Know that we are experimenting with technology as we continue to bring our church together.  These are days that call for faith, faithfulness, and flexibility, and we welcome your feedback and support.

As we all shelter in place and gather for worship online, here are four easy ways you can continue to support the church financially:

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  • Go to www.glennumc.org/give

  • Click the “Give Now” box

  • You can then make a one-time donation or set up a recurring donation.

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Text to Give  

  • Simply send a text to the number (833)795-0325 with the amount you wish to donate to the operating fund typed into the message space, then press Send.

  • You will receive a text reply with a link. Click the link, which will take you to a giving screen (processed via Vanco) with our church name and a giving template.

  • Enter your name, address, email address, method of payment details, and confirm the gift amount in that template.

  • You will receive a receipt by return text to your phone stating the amount donated to Glenn Memorial UMC.

  • A receipt also will be emailed to you if you complete the email address line.

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Bank Draft

  • Log in directly to your personal banking institution and create a bill-pay payment to Glenn Memorial UMC.

  • Use the church address:

    • 1660 N. Decatur Road, NE, Atlanta, GA 30307. Your bank will send payment directly to the church.

  • Please indicate in the memo field of the bill payment where to post the donation.

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By Mail

  • You can mail your offering to:

    • Glenn Memorial UMC – Finance Office
      1660 N. Decatur Road, NE
      Atlanta, GA  30307

In the current economic environment, we also know there might be financial uncertainty for you and your household, so we understand if commitments made during our stewardship campaign need to be adjusted.  Please contact our Church Administrator, Pam Gwinner, at (404)634-3936, ext. 102, should you need to revise the amount or timing of your estimate of giving.  Please remember also that your pastors are available should you need their help or the help of the church.

Little did we know when we celebrated our centennial in January that such troublesome days were around the corner.  Yet, we know that those 100 years have held other great challenges, and the congregation of Glenn Memorial has persisted in doing good all along the way.  And so we will continue to serve God and share the love of Christ.  These are our days and our time to let the light of Christ shine through us.  Thank you for your faithfulness to Glenn and the care you show for each other and the world.