Ministry Spotlight: Boy Scouts

Did you know that Glenn's Boy Scout Troop 18 is one of the longest running troops in the whole state of Georgia?

In this Ministry Spotlight, Glenn member Chuck Horton (dad to scouts Duncan and Thomas) reminds us how interwoven the scout troop is within our church congregation and community.

On behalf of the Scouts and adult leadership of Glenn Church’s Boy Scout Troop 18, I want to take a moment to thank the Church for its nearly 100 years of sponsorship and for giving the Troop and its Scouts the many opportunities they have had to do good works in the community and on behalf of the Church itself.

Recent research has revealed that the charter given to Troop 18 started in 1920, not 1925, as was long held. This means that very soon our troop will be celebrating our centennial anniversary as one of the oldest continuously operating troops in Georgia. The sponsorship of Troop 18 by Glenn Church has been an integral part of the history and tradition of the local community, one that has been mutually beneficial in many ways.

Good Turns
When you come into contact with scouts during pancake breakfasts and popcorn sales or on Scout Sunday, consider the dozens of other activities in which this troop is involved (many of them directly and positively impacting Glenn Church, its immediate community, and beyond): Good Neighbor Day, Habitat for Humanity, pumpkin patch unloading and wood chip spreading, Action Ministries Women’s Community Kitchen, Trinity House dinners, the Otto Froehlich Memorial Garden, and the outdoor classroom near the Fellowship Hall. These are simply a few of the Glenn activities the troop supports. The Scouts also work in the community by doing service projects (Eagle projects and others), the list and descriptions of which would be too long to enumerate here, but it is impressive.

Ministry and Mentorship
Glenn's scouting programs (Cubs, Boy Scouts, and Venture Scouts), is an important and impactful ministry. Scouting takes our i-Generation youth out of the house, into the woods and the world, and gives them a place to play, achieve, grow and learn about conservation, citizenship, service, and leadership. Renowned therapist and best-selling author Michael Gurian writes about how our society is failing our boys. They need a “tribe” of same age boys, older boys, and men to learn how do the healthy things necessary to become good citizens. Scouting provides this solid and stable bridge to a ethical and productive adulthood. And, scouting is inclusive. A child does not have to be a great athlete or know anything about camping or outdoor skills to be involved. No one is turned away because of financial hardship. They just have to show up and participate.


Thank you, Glenn, for your sponsorship of this great ministry. We also thank you in advance for your continued financial and spiritual support of our efforts.

Chuck Horton
Charter Organization Representative
BSA Troop 18